Digital Strain
Let’s just be honest our lives revolve around screens in this day in age. We are constantly in front of one screen or another, from the computer at work, using your ipad to study for school, or checking emails, playing games, etc. on our phones. With this being said, are you spending hours each day in front of one or all of these screens? If so, you could be suffering from digital eye strain!
The more we rely on digital screens the more we put strain on our eyes. Are you wondering if you are suffering from it? Well, if you have any of these symptoms; eye strain, neck and shoulder pain, headaches, blurred vision, and/or itchy dry eyes, then you are most likely are.
Here are some tips to help you reduce Digital Eye Strain
Use the 20-20-20 rule. For every 20 minutes that you’re in front of a screen, look at least 20 feet away for at least 20 seconds to give your eyes a break.
Position – make sure to position yourself and your documents to where you don’t have to move your head back and forth to read them. Also, make sure your computer is positioned correctly to avoid a glare on the screen from either outdoor light coming in or overhead lights.
Your Body – you should always make sure your feet are flat on the ground to give your body the correct posture which should then put your neck in a good position to avoid neck and shoulder pain.
Blink – try to blink as often as possible to help from getting dry eye
If you still seem to be having problems with your eyes after following these tips then you should contact your eye doctor to discuss it further. Remember eye strain doesn’t have effect your daily life no matter how much time you spend in front of a screen!